Let’s be real. Maintaining a company blog can seem like a handful. At our weakest hour, we haven’t been the best at keeping our own up to date, so we understand the struggle. When a whirlwind of paying client work comes in, it can be easy to toss the blog on the backburner and leave it there to simmer for two months. But don’t. Why not, you may wonder?

Earns Credibility and Authority

By sharing your expertise and ideas with the world, you gradually designate yourself as an industry leader. This leadership position allows you to build a relationship with your audience that is built on trust.

Age of Content Marketing

Blogs are the new way of life. Dare I say it’s dated not to have one? With the digital world comes the convenience of unlimited resources, it also means more competition for your audience’s attention. Blog generation gives you the upper hand. In the midst of proving your expertise, you also have the opportunity to spread your word via your followers. If what you write is worthy, they’ll share, and their followers will share, and so on. Further down the content rabbit hole you go.

Drive Traffic to Your Site

SEO is a beautiful thing. Alongside creating sharable content, your blog allows for an outlet to store more keywords that can be picked up by search engines. When a web user searches for a term or string of words, you’ve improved chances of them landing on your site simply by putting the content out there.

Long-term Results

It’s easy to fall into the mindset of something that doesn’t generate immediate profit isn’t worth maintaining. And honestly, analyzing web traffic is like watching paint dry, it may take some time to win your audience, but it’ll be worth it. No, you may not see results for six months, but when you do, you’ll know you’ve made the right choice. The readers that grow with you are your greatest allies, and once they make the transition, your most loyal customers. Give it time. Anything worth having is worth the wait.

Business Leads

If you haven’t guessed yet, all of these points are fairly interlinked. So, you’ve gained ground as an industry leader, your audience trusts you and has you in the forefront of their mind. When they or someone they know needs a service performed? Who are they going to think of first? You.

If Your Blog Dies, So Does Your Audience

All these really awesome benefits of a blog that we mentioned — they’re benefits of consistent blogging. The more frequently you share content, the more users will visit your site. Your audience will return to see your latest thoughts and ideas. If those thoughts cease to exist, so does their interest and engagement.

So, how are you going to stay on top of all this blog magic? The key is organization. Decide how frequently your business can and should post, then set a schedule. Have a single person managing the schedule and keeping the whole thing on track. This agenda will keep your blog sailing smoothly and from dying out, as blogs tend to do, when they are malnourished.

Obviously, the more you blog, the better, but do what works for you and your business. Now, get to blogging.